Thursday, April 23, 2009


I am looking 4 donations, membership, coin codes, and penguin names and passwords 4 contests

a penguin donater will recive: be my buddy forever, and host a party with me , more prizes the rarer the penguin.

A membership,1 month a post about u and all of the above.

a coin code, 100,000 coins. and all of the above

rules must be usable, no banning penguins, or no use of testing with the penguins

If I get a beta tester penguin. I will check the penguin's account, buddy list forever, a month membership, a choice of coins under 500,000, and a passand time to go on my mid rare penguin (not the 1 from the contest,) the penguin use is very rare that I will give out (I mean I will hardly give my mid rare penguin out to anybody)

If you have anything please email me at

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